Take advantage of your Scorecast Business Competition to Donate to an Association

Organize a contest to benefit an association? It is possible!

Give a more important dimension to your animation by supporting a foundation or an association

How does it work?

Create your platform on Scorecast Business
Invite your employees to join the platform
Find your game mechanics (e.g.: A good prediction = 1€)
Inform your employees of the amount raised through the challenge
Mockup Scorecast Business

Control your budget by adjusting the collection logic

Within the Scorecast Business platform, you can simulate your maximum budget so that the donation does not exceed your means. The amount to be paid is calculated according to one or more of the following criteria: the number of registered users, the number of predictions made, the number of successful predictions (above 1pt) and the number of correct scores.

All employees follow the evolution of the donation in real time

The associative module, fully customizable, is visible to all players during the entire competition. You can also promote the project via the banners and the messaging space.
Mockup Scorecast Business
Mockup Scorecast Business

Stay engaged by playing for a good cause

Thanks to this complementary initiative, you improve the visibility of your CSR commitment within the company and you increase the commitment of your employees throughout the competition. Even without being in the top of the table, your players will realize that every action in the game is important to contribute to the associative project. This model has already proven itself with the company Bizline which supported the association Ibiza Preservation during the Euro 2021.

Our partner associations

In 2024, like its clients, Scorecast Business is committed to two associations:

Up Sport! Scorecast Business Partner

Up Sport !

Up Sport ! Unis pour le sport is a sports and solidarity association. Its aim is to promote and enhance inclusion through sport by making it accessible to the most disadvantaged and vulnerable. Since 2016, Up Sport! has enabled hundreds of exiled people, as well as people living on the streets or isolated women, to find their bearings, gain confidence, acquire skills and, of course, form friendships through sports.
Learn more about the association
Sponsorship Cardiac Surgery partner of Scorecast Business

Heart Surgery Patronage

Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque Enfants du Monde enables children with heart defects from underprivileged countries to undergo surgery in France when this is not possible in their own country due to lack of technical or financial resources. Hosted by volunteer host families in 9 cities in France, more than 4000 children have been taken care of since the creation of the Association in 1996 by Pr. Francine Leca.
Learn more about the association

Our objectives through these partnerships


Frequently asked questions

What is Scorecast Business?

Scorecast Business is a platform enabling companies to create a sports prediction competition for major events. Once you've signed the order form or made payment via your platform, you'll get a white-label website that you can customize, as well as dedicated, secure access to the Scorecast Business mobile applications on Android and iOS. Scorecast Business is a true online team-building platform!

Do you offer a free service?

Scorecast Business offers only paid-for products. However, we have another product, Scorecast, which is aimed at individuals and is 100% free. Whether it's with your friends, family, sports club or whatever, Scorecast is for you. Find out more about the differences between Scorecast Business and Scorecast and get access to the free Scorecast solution!

How does Scorecast Business respect and protect personal data?

This is our priority. All your data is hosted by our service providers OVH and Scaleway in France, and within a maximum of 60 days of the end of your competition, all your data and access to your web platform and mobile applications will be destroyed. Furthermore, there are no audience measurement or advertising tools on our Scorecast Business services.

What sporting events are available on Scorecast Business?

All the major sporting events are on Scorecast Business. In 2024, for example, Scorecast Business offers you the best competitions: Euro 2024 soccer, Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, CAN, Formula 1 and VI Nations. Scorecast Business allows you to forecast on the vast majority of sports: soccer, rugby, Formula 1, tennis... If you'd like to set up a corporate prediction contest on a sport that isn't on the list, contact us and we'll discuss how we can meet your needs!

Get started! 🚀

Create your own platform and test Scorecast Business free of charge on the competition of your choice. Request a quote and our experts will contact you shortly to launch your competition.